

发音:   用"盈亏包干制"造句
  • system whereby enterprises are responsible for their own profits and losses; system of making enterprises responsible for their own profits and losses
  • 盈亏:    the waxing and waning of the ...
  • 包干制:    a system of payment partly i ...
  • 包干制:    1.(供给制) a system of payment partly in kind and partly in cash1.(责任制) system of responsibility
  • 财务包干制:    system of fixed quotas for revenues and expenditures
  • 投资包干制:    system of investment responsibility


        盈亏:    the waxing and waning of the ...
        包干制:    a system of payment partly i ...
        包干制:    1.(供给制) a system of payment partly in kind and partly in cash1.(责任制) system of responsibility
        财务包干制:    system of fixed quotas for revenues and expenditures
        投资包干制:    system of investment responsibility
        财政定额包干制:    the responsibility system of fixed quotas for revenue and expenditure; verantwortungssystem n.für festgelegte einnahmen-und ausgabenquoten
        财政收支包干制:    contract system on fiscal revenue and expenditure
        地方财政包干制:    system where local authorities take full responsibility for their finances; system whereby local authorities take full responsibility for their finances
        干制:    dry-cure◇干制奶 dried milk; 干制牛肉 dried beef; 干制食品 dried food
        多种形式的包干制和责任制:    verschiedene formen pl.des vertragsgebundenen systems und des verantwortlichkeitssystems
        包干:    be responsible for a task until it is completed; be solely responsible for an assigned task until it is fulfilled 财政包干 be responsible for one's finance; 大包干 all-round contract system; 分片包干 divide up the work and assign a part to each individual or group; 经费包干 take responsibility for one's surplus or deficits; 包干工作 lump work; 包干运费 lump sum freight; 包干租船 lump sum charter
        盈亏:    1.(月亮的圆和缺) the waxing and waning of the moon2.(赚钱和赔本) profit and loss 自负盈亏 (of an enterprise) assume sole responsibility for its own profits or losses; 盈亏临界点 breakeven point
        干制法:    dry process
        干制奶:    dried milk
        干制品:    dried products
        包干儿:    be responsible for a job until completion
        包干费:    all in charges; inland lumpsum; ls lumsum; lumlumsum
        包干扰:    packet interference
        大包干:    all-round contract
        面包干:    bath biscuits; bread shell; dehydrated bread; dog biscuit; rusk
        损益, 盈亏:    gain or loss; loss and gain
        盈亏,损益:    p&l profit and loss; p&l profit and loss
        盈亏功:    increment or decrement work
        饼干制造:    biscuit manufacture
        冻干制品:    lyophilized product


  1. "盈科亚洲拓展有限公司"英文
  2. "盈科中心"英文
  3. "盈眶"英文
  4. "盈亏"英文
  5. "盈亏,损益"英文
  6. "盈亏保证金,变动保证"英文
  7. "盈亏报表"英文
  8. "盈亏点分析"英文
  9. "盈亏分配比率"英文
  10. "盈亏分配率"英文


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