

[ miànbāoqián ] 发音:   用"面包干"造句


  1. Casting sidelong glances at pierre , the soldiers lighted the fire , set a pot on it , broke up their biscuits into it , and put in some lard
  2. Is a man to be called a genius because he knows when to order biscuits to be given out , and when to march his troops to the right and when to the left


        面包:    bread
        :    trunk; main part
        磨牙面包干:    teething rusk
        松脆面包干:    shortbread cookies
        甜面包干:    rusk
        小面包干:    flat bread
        饼干;(美国)软饼;面包干:    biscuit
        面包瓤制的面包干:    pulled bread
        脆面包;面包瓢制的面包干:    pulled bread
        包干:    be responsible for a task until it is completed; be solely responsible for an assigned task until it is fulfilled 财政包干 be responsible for one's finance; 大包干 all-round contract system; 分片包干 divide up the work and assign a part to each individual or group; 经费包干 take responsibility for one's surplus or deficits; 包干工作 lump work; 包干运费 lump sum freight; 包干租船 lump sum charter
        瑞典的一种黑麦做的面包干:    crisp breads
        包干儿:    be responsible for a job until completion
        包干费:    all in charges; inland lumpsum; ls lumsum; lumlumsum
        包干扰:    packet interference
        包干制:    1.(供给制) a system of payment partly in kind and partly in cash1.(责任制) system of responsibility
        大包干:    all-round contract
        面包:    bread 面包夹香肠 hot dog (即热狗); 面包车 coach; 面包碟 bread plate; 面包刀 bread knife; 面包房 bakery; 面包干 rusk; 面包工人 spreader; 面包柜 panetièrel; 面包糊 pap; 面包浆 panada; 面包酵母 baker's yeast; 面包皮 crusoe; 面包师 baker; baxter; 面包树 breadfruit (tree); 面包调味酱 bread sauce; 面包小麦 bread wheat; 面包用粉 bread flour; 面包渣儿 breadcrumbs; crumbs
        包干到户:    household-basedcontract system; vertragsgebundene produktion auf basis der haushalte; work contracted to households
        包干费总额:    lmps lumsum
        包干工作:    lumwork
        包干合同:    lump-sum contract; responsibility contract
        包干寄宿费:    flat rate for boarding
        包干价格:    all-in price
        包干金额:    lumlumsum; lumsum
        包干金额,总数:    lumlumsum



  1. "面包粉"英文
  2. "面包粉炸虾"英文
  3. "面包粉炸鱼"英文
  4. "面包副产品"英文
  5. "面包改良剂"英文
  6. "面包杆菌"英文
  7. "面包糕点加工"英文
  8. "面包蛤属"英文
  9. "面包工人"英文
  10. "面包柜"英文


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