

  • hair disorder
  • 皮毛:    pelage; fur; skin and hair; ...
  • 杂乱:    mixed and disorderly; in a j ...
  • 皮毛:    1.(带毛兽皮) pelage; fur; skin and hair; coat 皮毛兽 fur-bearer2.(表面的知识) smattering; superficial knowledge 略知皮毛 have only a superficial knowledge; 皮毛花纹 coat pattern; (长圆筒形) 皮毛围巾 boa
  • 杂乱:    mixed and disorderly; in a jumble; in a muddle; disorder; mussiness 桌子上的东西很杂乱。 the things on the table were all in a jumble
  • 表皮毛:    epidermal hair


        皮毛:    pelage; fur; skin and hair; ...
        杂乱:    mixed and disorderly; in a j ...
        皮毛:    1.(带毛兽皮) pelage; fur; skin and hair; coat 皮毛兽 fur-bearer2.(表面的知识) smattering; superficial knowledge 略知皮毛 have only a superficial knowledge; 皮毛花纹 coat pattern; (长圆筒形) 皮毛围巾 boa
        杂乱:    mixed and disorderly; in a jumble; in a muddle; disorder; mussiness 桌子上的东西很杂乱。 the things on the table were all in a jumble
        表皮毛:    epidermal hair
        皮毛的:    superficial
        皮毛画:    fur patchwork; fur picture
        皮毛商。:    pelt monger
        皮毛兽:    superficial knowledge
        皮毛痿:    atrophic debility of the skin and hair; flaccid paralysis characterized by xeroderma; flaccidity-syndrome involving the skin
        其皮毛:    skunk
        獭皮毛:    common otter fur
        貂皮毛:    baum marten
        到处, 杂乱:    all over the shop
        使杂乱:    shag
        喧闹;杂乱:    clutter
        杂乱dna:    promiscuous dna
        杂乱的:    cluttered; disordered; hugger-mugger; immethodical; indigested; littery; mussy; promiscuous; raggle-taggle; random; scrambled; tanglesome; thick; wild
        杂乱地:    hugger-mugger; intricately; mussily; promiscuously
        杂乱声:    fuzz
        杂乱性:    confusion
        得其皮毛:    have only learned the superficial things, not the spirit
        动物皮毛:    fur
        肺合皮毛:    lung associating with skin and hair
        肺主皮毛:    lung being in charge of the skin; lung controlling skin and hair


  1. "皮毛兽育种"英文
  2. "皮毛围巾"英文
  3. "皮毛消毒法"英文
  4. "皮毛癣菌因子"英文
  5. "皮毛一体的"英文
  6. "皮毛之见"英文
  7. "皮毛制品"英文
  8. "皮毛痿"英文
  9. "皮帽"英文
  10. "皮梅毒瘤"英文


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