The value of an animal ' s coat depends on the age , size and condition 动物皮毛的价值取决于年龄、大小和质量。
Rules for inspetion of transport packaging for export animal skins and hairs commodities 出口动物皮毛类商品运输包装检验规程
A name given to both a parka and a warm waterproof coat made by the inuit natives from animal skins 美洲因纽特人用动物皮毛制成的皮制大衣或保暖防水衣。
Fur - skins , leather , timber and articles manufactured from these materials are all traded in large quantities 大量动物皮毛皮革木材及各式各样以这些物料制成的产品变成贸易商品。
He juxtaposed the magnificence of jacquard fabrics with the savage edge of animal skins , transformed into fitted sheaths 他把富丽堂皇的提花织物和动物皮毛未经修饰的边拼在一起,做成合身的紧身服装。