白宫: the White House办公厅: general office a government ...副主任: deputy director助理: assistant白宫办公厅副主任: deputy chief of staff to white house office; white house deputy chief of staff白宫办公厅副主任帮办: deputy to the deputy chief of staff to white house office; deputy to the white house deputy chief of staff白宫办公厅主任助理: assistant to the chief of staff to white house office; assistant to the white house chief of staff白宫的办公厅副主任: deputy chief of staff of the white house办公厅副主任: deputy director of the general office白宫办公厅主任特别助理: special assistant to the chief of staff to white house office; special assistant to the white house chief of staff白宫办公厅主任执行助理: executive assistant to the chief of ataff to white house office; executive assistant to the white house chief of staff白宫办公厅主任: chief of staff to the president; chief of staff to white house office; white house chief of staff; white house staff chief白宫办公厅: office of the chief of staff of the white house; the white house office; white house office白宫办公厅主任帮办: deputy to the chief of staff to white house office; depyty to the white house chief of staff前白宫办公厅主任美国一小镇当猪倌: sununu named n.h. towns hog wrangler负责部务和监督的办公厅副主任: assistant director general ministry affairs and supervision; assistant director-general ministry affairs and supervision; assistant director-general, ministry affairs and supervision负责特别使命的办公厅副主任: assistant director general special duties; assistant director-general special duties; assistant director-general, special duties办公厅主任特别助理: special assistant to the chef de cabinet执达主任助理: bailiff's assistant主任助理秘书: principal assistant secretary办公厅主任: director general office; director of the general office; director of the office; director,generaloffice; director-general科学和技术政策办公室主任助理: assistant to the director of the office of science and technology policy执达主任助理协会: bailiff's assistants association办公室副主任: deputy chief of office; deputy director of the office主任兼执行主任助理: director and deputy to the executive director