白宫: the White House办公厅主任: director of the general offi ...特别: special; unusual; particular ...助理: assistant办公厅主任特别助理: special assistant to the chef de cabinet白宫办公厅主任执行助理: executive assistant to the chief of ataff to white house office; executive assistant to the white house chief of staff白宫办公厅主任助理: assistant to the chief of staff to white house office; assistant to the white house chief of staff白宫办公厅主任: chief of staff to the president; chief of staff to white house office; white house chief of staff; white house staff chief白宫办公厅主任帮办: deputy to the chief of staff to white house office; depyty to the white house chief of staff白宫办公厅副主任助理: assistant to the deputy chief of staff to white house office; assistant to the white house deputy chief主任特别助理: special assistant to the director办公室主任特别助理: special assistant to the chief of staff前白宫办公厅主任美国一小镇当猪倌: sununu named n.h. towns hog wrangler白宫办公厅副主任: deputy chief of staff to white house office; white house deputy chief of staff执行主任特别助理: special assistant to the executive白宫办公厅: office of the chief of staff of the white house; the white house office; white house office白宫办公厅副主任帮办: deputy to the deputy chief of staff to white house office; deputy to the white house deputy chief of staff办公厅主任: director general office; director of the general office; director of the office; director,generaloffice; director-general副执行主任特别助理: special assistant to the deputy国王办公厅主任: chief of the king's office秘书长办公厅主任: chef de cabinet of the executive office of the secretary-general内阁办公厅主任: director general of the cabinet; director-general of the cabinet议长办公厅主任: director of speaker's office议会办公厅主任: director of the office of the diet总理办公厅主任: director of prime minister's office