由: cause; reason美国: the United States of America ...能源: the sources of energy; energ ...协会: association; society; instit ...美国能源协会: eia; united states energy association美国风力能源协会: american wind energy association核能源协会: nuclear energy institute美国能源部: eia; u.s. department of energy; united states department of energy; usdoe电器能源协会: electric energy association美国血源协会: american blood resources association美国能源独立计划: project independence美国能源控制公司: aec美国能源情报局: eia美国能源委员会: aec美国能源资讯署: eia美国水资源协会: awra国际燃料和能源协会: ifpa; international fuel and power association得克萨斯美国能源公司: texas american energy corp美国能源部太阳能研究所: doeseri美国能源管制委员会: ferc美国能源研究开发署: energy research and development administration; erda矽谷美国能源发展中心: nerc由美国厨卫协会: national kitchen &bath association本国能源: domestically produced energy英国能源部: british department of energy