由: cause; reason美国: the United States of America ...游泳: swim名将: famous general; great soldie ...美国全国游泳研究所: national swimming pool institute; nspi美国游泳池研究组织: american swimming pool research organiation; american swimming pool research organization; aspro泰国游泳协会: swimming association of thailand中国游泳协会: chinese swimming association; swimming association of china美国游学: study tour全国游泳池研究所: nspi中国游泳运动员: chinese swimmers由美国国立: brookhaven名将: famous general; great soldier 足球名将 a soccer hero; a soccer star; a football star由美国农业部: usda保利美国游艇厂: american marine ltd美国游记 照片集锦: part iii美国游戏软件公司: westwood由美国厨卫协会: national kitchen &bath association由美国能源协会: united states energy association布雷顿森林〔美国游览胜地〕。: bretton woods美国游艇驾驶员协会: yachtsmen's association of america由美: fukamizu yumi; ichihara yumi; kuroda yumi; takada yumi; touma yumi; ykk; yoshimi; youmei; yumi美国业余游泳协会: amateur swimming association将由美国地方法官韦尔: james ware另由美国国家标准局: national bereau of standand