生活: life在: exist; be living群众: the masses; general public; ...之中: in; in the midst of; among扎根于群众之中: take root among the masses生活在贫困之中: live in poverty生活在忧虑之中: living in fear他们生活在水深火热之中: their lives were filled with untold suffering群众之声: saut al jamaheer; suara masa; voice of the broad masses急群众之所急: be eager to meet the needs of the masses想象我们所有人一起生活在和平之中: imagine all people living life in peace逶迤在群山之中: wind its way through the mountains高踞于群众之上: set oneself above the masses生活在变: unit twelve life isn't always what it used to be生活在别处: la vie est ailleurs; livin‘ la vida loca生活在当代: living in the present生活在歌唱: life is singing生活在继续: and life goes on; and life gose on; vie continue, la生活在街头: living on the street生活在空虚: live in emptiness/ empty nest/ nuclear family生活在美国: living in america生活在水里: live in water生活在他方: life is elsewhere生活在他乡: vivre ailleuns生活在天国: living in the promiseland