生态: organism's habits; modes of ...发展: develop; expand; grow; burge ...新闻: news生态发展: eco development; ecodevelopment生态发展图: ecopornography生态发展十年: decade of ecodevelopment非洲经济发展新闻: african economic development news世界发展新闻日: world development information day工业研究和发展新闻: industrial research and development news生态发生: ecogenesis发展新党员: admit new party members发展新剂型: develop new drug patterns发展新业务: develop new business拉丁美洲发展新闻工作者协会: alacode; latin american association of development journalists非洲环境和生态发展合作开罗方案: cairo programme for african cooperation on environment and eco-development发展新的服务: develonew services生态发生;生态种发生: ecogenesis留意事态发展: kein view事态发展迅速: events marched swiftly非洲发展新议程: new agenda for the development of africa未来发展新动力: the attributes of a good teacher生态胚胎学,生态发生学: ecological embryology事态发展的可能性: be in the chapter of possibilities雁行形态发展论: catching-uproduct cycle theory非洲发展新伙伴关系: c02/nepad; new partnershifor africa's development