生态: organism's habits; modes of ...发展: develop; expand; grow; burge ...生态发展图: ecopornography生态发展十年: decade of ecodevelopment生态发展新闻: ecodevelopment news生态发生: ecogenesis非洲环境和生态发展合作开罗方案: cairo programme for african cooperation on environment and eco-development生态发生;生态种发生: ecogenesis留意事态发展: kein view事态发展迅速: events marched swiftly生态胚胎学,生态发生学: ecological embryology事态发展的可能性: be in the chapter of possibilities雁行形态发展论: catching-uproduct cycle theory使人感到不安的事态发展: disturbing developments reports symptoms一直密切留意事态发展: has paid close attention to the development of the situation生态化产业发展: eco-industrial development现代美国英语词汇动态发展刍议: some thoughts on the development of modern american english vocabulary人类发展的生态系列: anthroposere生态平衡的持续发展: eclogically sustainable development生态上可持续的发展: ecologically sustainable development生态系统发展的战略: strategy of ecosystem development生态系统发展的战略部署: strategy of ecosystem development生态: organism's habits; modes of life and relation to their environment; ecology◇生态变异 ecocline; 生态分布 ecological distribution; 生态隔离 ecological isolation; 生态管理 ecomanagement; 生态环境 ecotope; ecological environment; 生态竞争 ecologic(al) competition; 生态平衡 ecological equilibrium; ecological balance; 生态破坏 ecocide; 生态气候 ecoclimate; 生态圈 ecosphere; 生态生理学 ecological physiology; 生态史 ecogenesis; 生态危机 ecological crisis; ecocrisis; 生态演替 ecological succession; 生态遗传学 ecological genetics; 生态因素 ecological factor; 生态优势 ecological dominance; 生态种群 mos (pl. mores)生态恶化: ecological deterioration生态法季刊: ecology law quarterly生态多样性: ecosystem diversity