王: rule over为: support; stand for政: politics; political affairs为政: tamemasa王为光: weiguang wang王为国: wei-guo wang王为民: wang weimin王为强: wang weiqiang王为一: wang weiyi; weiyi wang王为珍: wang weizhen王为璐: wang weilu和王为民: weimin wang各自为政: act of one's own free will; each administers in his own way.; everyone goes his own way.; lack of coordination; with everyone going his own way; work each for himself为政之道: the proper governance of a state为政不在多言: they that govern most make the least noise各立门户,各自为政: set up its own organ and act on its own will各立门户各自为政: set up its own organ and act on its own will为政府服务的报酬总额: remuneration for government services total维护和管理业务行为政策: d. maintain and administer business conduct policy法院为政府的主要机关之一: a court is one of the chief organs of government上之为政,得下情则治,不得下情则乱: wenn der herrscher sich der dinge unten bewusst ist,kann er die ordnung in den griff bekommen; wenn nicht ,wird unordnung herrschen.王维: tango wang; wang wei王维宝: wang weibao王维昌: wang weichang王维臣: weichen wang