为: support; stand for政府: government服务: give service to; be in the s ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...报酬: reward; remuneration; pay总额: total sum; amount; total; th ...综合报酬总额: total remuneration package政府服务界: civil service政府服务局: government services agency综合报酬总额, 一揽子总报酬: total remuneration package成套政府服务: government service package政府服务开支: expenditure for the services of the government硬性规定的最高报酬总额: mandatory ceiling on emoluments非市场性政府服务: non-market government services享用政府服务权: right to use government services薪酬总额: payroll公众对政府服务满意程度: community satisfaction薪酬表;薪酬总额: payroll报酬总数比较: total compensation comparison政府服务大厅卫生行政许可窗口: hygienic administrative license window of government service hall公正的报酬: just remuneration合法的报酬: legal consideration合理的报酬: fair returns恰当的报酬: just reward士兵的报酬: soldier’s pay