

  • stand in [throw oneself into] the breach
  • :    single; only; sole
  • :    proper; right
  • :    catastrophe; calamity; disas ...
  • :    chessboard game; set; inning ...
  • 难局:    impasse


        :    single; only; sole
        :    proper; right
        :    catastrophe; calamity; disas ...
        :    chessboard game; set; inning ...
        难局:    impasse
        独当一面:    take charge as chief of [at] one of the fronts; able to undertake the task alone; act on one's responsibility as an official, a manager, etc.; be head of one department; hold a responsible position in the capacity of a sectional chief, or department head, etc.; take charge of a department [locality]
        艰难局面:    crunch crunch; crush crush
        善处难局:    good at handling knotty problems [a difficult situation]; be able to face the music; good at making (a) shift; have great presence of mind in a difficult situation; rise to the occasion
        断然处理难局:    no.to take the bull by the horns
        善于处理难局:    rise to the occasion; rises to the occasion
        独立思考和独当一面:    think and work on one's own
        他们对因难局面的巧妙处理:    their masterly handling of a difficult situation
        独丹毒杆菌:    erysipelothrix insidiosa
        独岛:    liancourt rocks
        独担风险:    sole risk
        独岛号两栖攻击舰:    dokdo class amphibious assault ship; dokdo class landing platform experimental
        独打一周:    cycle hit
        独到:    original 独到的见解 original view
        独此一家:    the only authentic brand
        独到的:    original
        独词句:    [语言学] one-member sentence


  1. "独词句"英文
  2. "独此一家"英文
  3. "独打一周"英文
  4. "独担风险"英文
  5. "独丹毒杆菌"英文
  6. "独当一面"英文
  7. "独岛"英文
  8. "独岛号两栖攻击舰"英文
  9. "独到"英文
  10. "独到的"英文


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