

[ dúdào ] 发音:   "独到"的汉语解释   用"独到"造句
  • original 短语和例子
  • 独到的:    original
  • 独到的见解:    original view
  • 独到之处:    (to have) one's own knack in [of] ...; a degree of excellence, perfection; hitherto unreached by anybody else; originality; specific characteristics
  • 独到之见:    show unique ingenuity; have an inventive mind; have one's special excellence at; show [display] one's unique ability
  • 我是个没有什么独到见解的人:    i have a bottomed-down mind; i have no direction i just get wherever the wind blows


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. I always had my own odd sense of this .
  2. You are a young lady of deep reflection .
  3. You are a lady of deep reflection .
  4. The most original observation from his lips fell unheard on their ears .
  5. The drawings were pleasing enough with quite a sense of atmosphere, and something individual in the brush work .


        独到的:    original
        独到的见解:    original view
        独到之处:    (to have) one's own knack in [of] ...; a degree of excellence, perfection; hitherto unreached by anybody else; originality; specific characteristics
        独到之见:    show unique ingenuity; have an inventive mind; have one's special excellence at; show [display] one's unique ability
        我是个没有什么独到见解的人:    i have a bottomed-down mind; i have no direction i just get wherever the wind blows
        独岛号两栖攻击舰:    dokdo class amphibious assault ship; dokdo class landing platform experimental
        独岛:    liancourt rocks
        独当一面:    take charge as chief of [at] one of the fronts; able to undertake the task alone; act on one's responsibility as an official, a manager, etc.; be head of one department; hold a responsible position in the capacity of a sectional chief, or department head, etc.; take charge of a department [locality]
        独当难局:    stand in [throw oneself into] the breach
        独的者:    monologis
        独丹毒杆菌:    erysipelothrix insidiosa


        独到的法语:形 original~之处originalité
        独到的日语:比べるものがないほど優れていること. 有独到之处 chù /他の追随を許さないところがある. 独到的见解/比類なき優れた見解.
        独到的韩语:[명사] 독창(獨創). 독특(獨特). 独到的见解; 독창적인 견해 有独到之处; 독특한 점이 있다. 남달리 뛰어난 곳이 있다 他看问题尖锐, 又有独到; 그는 문제를 보는 시각이 예리하고, 또 독창적인 데가 있다
        独到的俄语:[dúdào] оригинальный; неповторимый
        独到什么意思:dúdào 与众不同(多指好的):~之处ㄧ~的见解。


  1. "独丹毒杆菌"英文
  2. "独当难局"英文
  3. "独当一面"英文
  4. "独岛"英文
  5. "独岛号两栖攻击舰"英文
  6. "独到的"英文
  7. "独到的见解"英文
  8. "独到之处"英文
  9. "独到之见"英文
  10. "独的者"英文


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