- bitter harvest
- 爱人: husband or wife; spouse swee ...
- 强盗: robber; bandit; pirate; high ...
- 强盗: robber; bandit; pirate; highwayman 强盗行为 robbery; banditry; piratical act; 强盗逻辑 gangster logic; 强盗片 a ganster film; 强盗头子 gang boss; bandit chieftain
- 爱人: 1.(丈夫或妻子) husband or wife; spouse2.(恋爱中男女的一方) sweetheart
- 人强马壮: the horses and men are strong.; the fighting men were strong and the horses were (fed) fat.; the men are fit and the horses in good condition.; the men are strong and the horses swift