点: drop群: crowd; group误差: error比: 2对: answer; reply点群误差检测: curve-cloud difference点群与点群误差分析: many point comparison; point set comparison重新显示误差比对结果: redisplay difference误差比: error ratio措群误差: syntactic errors语意误差措群误差: syntactic errors操作误差比: operational error ratio均方误差比: mser剩余误差比: residual error ratio误码率;位视误差比: bit error rate比对: sequence alignment统计系数于标准误差比率: t function统计系数与标准误差比率: ratio t; t ratio点群: extract scan lines; extract sub grid cloud; grid surface; grouof points; point cluster; point group; pointgroup; pointing; swarm of points在误差范围内由曲面取样产生点群: sample surface to tol差比数: tidal difference潮差比: ratio of ranges; ratio of tidal ranges反差比: contrast ratio方差比: f ratio; variance ration; varianceratio比对表: comparing watch; comparison watch; deck watch