点: drop群: crowd; group整体: ensemble; whole; entirety不等: vary; differ; in variety; co ...比: 2变形: be out of shape; become defo ...不等比例: inequality proportion物像不等比率: aniseikonic ratio变形;身体不好: out of shape不等比例分层抽样: disproportionate stratified sampling不等比例子类数: disproportionate subclass numbers选择并不等比放缩: select and non-uniform scale整体点群过滤顺化: filter piecewise客群整体上以企业界与艺术: buddha bar等比: ratio of equality; equal ratio◇等比级数 geometric progression; geometric series; 等比生长 [生物学] isogony; 等比中项 geometric mean点群: extract scan lines; extract sub grid cloud; grid surface; grouof points; point cluster; point group; pointgroup; pointing; swarm of points不等量生长;非等比生长;非同形生长: anisometric growth不等: 1.(不一样) vary; differ; in variety; compelled to (do) 大小不等 differ in size; 重量不等 differ in weight; 数量不等 vary in amount; 费用从五元到十元不等。 the charge varies from 5 yuan to 10 yuan.2.(不相等) unequal; 不等方程 inequation; 不等分裂 unequal division; 不等根 distinct roots; 不等号 sign of inequality; inequatity sign; 不等交换 [生物学] unequal crossover; 不等生长 [生物学] flank curvature; 不等压力 unequal pressure; 不等压头 differential head 等比例: constrain等比量: same size ratio; same-size ratio等比线: ipometric parallel; isometric parallel; isometricparallel; isorat整体: ensemble; whole; entirety 从整体上看形势 view the situation as a whole; 整体的一个组成部分 an integral part of the whole; 作为一个整体 in its entirety; 整体搬迁 integral moving; 整体吊装 integral hoisting; 整体观念 concept of viewing the situation as a whole; [中医] concept of wholism; 整体规划 integrated planning; 整体化 integration; 整体汽缸发动机 monoblock engine; 整体性 globality; 整体主义 [生物学] wholism; organicism; 整体铸件 single-casting磁点群: magnetic point group点群组: point groups节点群: node cluster