满身泥: drabble满身尘埃: dusty满身尘埃的: dusty满身大汗: be sweating all over满身流汗: perspire profusely满身披挂: armed from head to foot满身染血: ensanguine满身染血的: ensanguined满身湿透的: bedraggled满身是汗: sweating all over满身是伤: be covered with cuts and bruises满身是雪: be all covered with snow; be covered from head to foot with snow满身是债: be up to one's neck in debt满身铜臭: the whole body smelling of copper; stinking with money; filthy rich满身油腻: be covered with grime满身油污: d.greasy弄得满身泥: drabble使满身口涎: beslaverbeslobber; beslobber血溅满身: blood stains spatter one's dress满身起鸡皮疙瘩: have gooseflesh all over满身伤痕,血粘如胶: blue, blue, black and blue, red blood sticks like glue被打得满身伤痕的拳击手: hamburger满身染血,血染,使成血红色: ensanguine青一块紫一块,满身是伤: black and blue满射像: epimorphic image满射线性映射: surjective linear mapping
满身的日语:満身.体中.全身. 满身油泥/全身油まみれ.满身的韩语:[명사] 온몸. 전신(全身). 만신. 满身鲜血; 【성어】 온몸에 선혈이 낭자하다 满身是汗; 온몸이 땀투성이다满身的俄语:[mǎnshēn] весь; с головы до ног 满身是汗 [mǎnshēn shì hàn] — весь в поту满身什么意思:mǎnshēn [be covered all over with;have one's whole body covered with] 遍身,全身上下 满身是血的重伤员