温水: hot water; warm water浴池: common bathing pool public b ...温水浴: lukewarm bath冷水浴池: piscina高温水浴: high temperature bath; high-temperature bath高温水浴锅: high temperature water bath恒温水浴: aqueous thermostat; thermostatic waterbath恒温水浴锅: constant temperature water bath; thermostat water bath温水浴法: warm bath method温水浴室: tepidarium超级恒温水浴: thermostatic water-circulator bath【医学】旋流温水浴疗法。: whirlpool bath电热恒温水浴锅: electric-heated thermostatic water bath恒温水浴振荡器: stable temperature horizontal shaking bath振动型恒温水浴: shaking water bath浴池: 1.(洗澡的设备) common bathing pool2.(洗澡堂) public bathhouse; public baths水浴: water bath; bain-marie◇水浴除尘器 wet dust collector; 水浴器 bain-marie; 水浴心理疗法 hydropsychotherapy带流量调节器的恒温水浴锅: water bath with flow regulators温水: hot water; warm water◇温水箱 reservoir; 温水养殖 warm water cultivation; 温水游泳池 heated swimming pool; 温水浴 tepidarium; 温水浴池 tepidarium鸟浴池: basin for birds to bathe in药浴池: dipping bath; dipping tanx浴池税: bathing tax猪浴池: hog wallow; pig wallow水浴, 水浴器: bain-marie水浴锅,水浴槽: thermostat-controlled waterbath