带: belt; girdle; ribbon; band; ...流量: rate of flow; flow; runoff; ...调节器: regulator; adjuster; governo ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...恒温: constant temperature水浴: water bath; bain-marie锅: pan; pot恒温水浴锅: constant temperature water bath; thermostat water bath电热恒温水浴锅: electric-heated thermostatic water bath流量调节器: demand regulator; discharge regulator; flow control device; flow control unit; flow controller; flow governor; flow proportioner; fluid flow regulator高温水浴锅: high temperature water bath(氧气)流量调节器: demand regulator水流量调节器: water flow regulator恒温水浴: aqueous thermostat; thermostatic waterbath带调节器的水浴: water bath with regulator比例流量调节器: proportional flow control unit定值流量调节器: demand flow regulator活性炭流量调节器: carbon flow controller井底流量调节器: bottom-hole regulator井下流量调节器: downhole flow regulator空气流量调节器: ar air regulator流体流量调节器: fluid flow regulator启动流量调节器: starting flow control燃料流量调节器: fuel governor; fuel-flow governor稳定流量调节器: constant pressure flow controller