

发音:   用"温度状况"造句
  • temperature regime


  1. Therefore , studies on analysis and design method of cement concrete pavements in ultimate states based on actual composition of road traffic and temperature conditions become more important
  2. 2 . the diagnostic surface horizons divided on the soils of the area are mollic epipedon , umbric epipedon and ochric epipedon . the diagnostic subsurface horizons are cambic horizon , argic horizon , histic evidence and mattic evidence . the diagnostic characteristics are sapric soil materials , folic soil materials , soil moisture regimes , soil temperature regimes , ferric property and base saturation
  3. In order to solve this problem , we find a kind of herbages plant - sabaigrass ( eulaliopsis binata ) which not only can accommodate the badly environment of purple soil but also have excellent water and soil conservation effect and good economic benefit . this study adopt quantitative and qualitative methods , through comparative study of four different utilization types : sabaigrass treatment , grass tree solid plating treatment ( planting sabaigrass under fruit trees treatment ) , bare land treatment , natural wild grassland treatment , study water and soil conservation effect , soil water condition , soil constructors condition , soil fertility condition and soil surface temperature , then evaluated the water and soil conservation effect of plating sabaigrass in purple soil bare sloping field and probed into water and soil conservation mechanism . the main results are as follows : 1
    本研究针对湖南省衡邵盆地紫色岩地区日益恶劣的生态环境,从紫色土荒坡地水土流失治理入手,在寻求出既适应紫色土荒坡地恶劣环境又有良好水土保持作用和一定经济效应的作物? ?龙须草的基础上,用定性和定量相结合的方法,以“龙须草纯种” 、 “龙须草与果树立体种植” (简称林草立体种植,下同) 、 “空旷地” 、 “自然野生杂草地”四种不同的土地利用方式进行对比研究,从水土保持效应、土壤水文状况、土壤结构、土壤肥力状况、地表温度状况等方面分析、评价紫色土荒坡地种植龙须草防治水土流失的效应,并对其机理进行了初步探讨,主要研究结果如下: 1



  1. "温度周期变化"英文
  2. "温度周期试验"英文
  3. "温度转变"英文
  4. "温度转化"英文
  5. "温度转换循环"英文
  6. "温度锥"英文
  7. "温度酌"英文
  8. "温度自补偿应变计"英文
  9. "温度自补偿应变片"英文
  10. "温度自动补偿应变仪"英文


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