2 . the diagnostic surface horizons divided on the soils of the area are mollic epipedon , umbric epipedon and ochric epipedon . the diagnostic subsurface horizons are cambic horizon , argic horizon , histic evidence and mattic evidence . the diagnostic characteristics are sapric soil materials , folic soil materials , soil moisture regimes , soil temperature regimes , ferric property and base saturation 本地区土壤划分出的诊断表层有暗沃表层、暗瘠表层和淡薄表层,诊断表下层有雏形层、粘化层,诊断现象有有机现象、草毡现象,诊断特性有6个:高腐有机土壤物质、落叶有机土壤物质、土壤水分状况、土壤温度状况、铁质特性、盐基饱和度。
土壤温度: soil temperature状况: condition; state; status; st ...土壤温度: soil temperature; temperature of soil土壤温度表: soil thermometer; soilthermometer土壤温度第: control of soil temperature土壤温度计: soil temperature meter; soil thermograph; soil thermometer温度状况: temperature regime土壤温度梯度: soil temperature gradient高热温度状况: hyperthermic temperature regime寒冻温度状况: pergelic temperature regime gelic temperature regime; pergelic temperature regime, gelic temperature regime寒性温度状况: cryic temperature regime冷性温度状况: frigid temperature regime热性温度状况: thermic temperature regime温性温度状况: mesic temperature regime永冻温度状况: permagelic temperature regime周围温度状况: ambient temperature condition核子土壤温度计: nuclear soil moisture meter取决于土壤温度: dependent on soil temperature双金属土壤温度计: bimetallic soil thermometer恒高热温度状况: isohyperthermic temperature regime恒冷性温度状况: isofrigid temperature regime恒热性温度状况: isothermic temperature regime恒温性温度状况: isomesic temperature regime时间温度状况温度曲线: time temperature profile土壤温升: temperature rise in soil