深: deep蹲: squat on the heels; crouch后深蹲: back squat; deep knee-bend with barbell on shoulders; squat前深蹲: front squat深蹲架: squat rack单腿深蹲: barbell single leg squat负重深蹲: squatting with weight哈克机深蹲: hack squat颈后深蹲: full squat颈前深蹲: front squat深蹲接提踵: deep knee-bend on toes支撑深蹲: hold weight over-head; overhead squat持哑铃深蹲起: dumbbell squat杠铃哈克深蹲: barbell hack squat挂片式深蹲机: plate loaded squat挂片式深蹲架: squat rack哈克机倒深蹲: leg press两脚平行站立深蹲: deep knee-bend with feer flat; deep knee-bend with feet flat哈克机倒深蹲(大小腿伸展): leg press深对流云: deep convective clouds深对流: deeconvection深鹅足: deep pes anserinus深断裂谷: deep-fault trough深恶: have a horror of深断裂构造: deepseated fault structure深恶痛绝: cherish an undying [a bitter; deep-seated] hatred for; abhor; detest; detest and keep away from; detest [hate] bitterly; feel a repugnance to; hate bitterly; hate like poison; have a deep-seated hatred; have [harbour] intense [morbid; deep] hatred for; not to give sb. the time of day; would not touch sb. [sth.] with a pair of tongs [with a ten-foot pole]