哈: blow one's breath; breathe o ...机: machine; engine倒: reverse深: deep蹲: squat on the heels; crouch哈克机倒深蹲(大小腿伸展): leg press哈克机深蹲: hack squat杠铃哈克深蹲: barbell hack squat深蹲: deep knee-bend; deep squat; full knee bend; full squat; full-squat; squat哈克: haacker; haake; hacker; hag; hake; hakki; haque; harker; heque; hoq; huque; jaque后深蹲: back squat; deep knee-bend with barbell on shoulders; squat前深蹲: front squat深蹲架: squat rack林克机: link trainer投机,投机倒把: speculation投机倒把: play the market; capitalize on; engage in all sorts of illicit trading; engage in speculation; engage in speculation and profiteering; engage in speculative activities; make money illicitly through speculation; speculate; speculative transactions投机倒把者: profiteer投机倒把罪: crime of speculation单腿深蹲: barbell single leg squat负重深蹲: squatting with weight颈后深蹲: full squat颈前深蹲: front squat深蹲接提踵: deep knee-bend on toes支撑深蹲: hold weight over-head; overhead squat进行投机倒把: engage in speculation and profiteering