深奥: depth; abstruse; profound; r ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...密封的;深奥的: hermetic难解,深奥的: abstruse难解的, 深奥的: abstruse深奥的哲理: a profound truth最深奥的: inmost这是一本深奥的书: this is a debook抽象的;深奥的;摘要,提高;抽痊抽取: abstract深奥: depth; abstruse; profound; recondite 深奥的哲理 abstruse philosophy; a profound truth; 这是一本深奥的书。 this is a deep book. 哲学对我来说太深奥了。 philosophy is too deep for me. 现在教给孩子的学科都过于深奥。 the child is being taught subjects that are beyond his depth深奥地: abstrusely; profoundly; reconditely深奥之: hermetic深刻的,浑奥的: profound深;深远;深奥;深刻: profundity深奥,难解的: occult; recondite深奥晦涩: abstruse and hard to understand; transcendental深奥难懂: reconditeness深奥难知: abstruse; beyond [above; past] understanding [comprehension]申奥的成功与: wto塔格奥的化身: trang-oul's avatar发觉深奥难懂: find it difficult to understand him深奥猫圆线虫: aelurostrongylus abstrusus奥的斯电梯公司: otis elevator company狄米特里奥的假面: the mask of dimitrios西子奥的斯电梯: xizi otis