抽象: abstract的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...深奥: depth; abstruse; profound; r ...摘要: make a summary提高: raise; heighten; enhance; in ...抽: take out痊: recover from an illness抽象的,摘要: abstrac t抽象的;摘要,(提炼): abstract深奥的: a.profound; abstract; abstruse; abysmal; deep; delphian; hermetic; prefound; recondite密封的;深奥的: hermetic难解,深奥的: abstruse难解的, 深奥的: abstruse深奥的哲理: a profound truth最深奥的: inmost抽象;摘要: a tract; abstract抽象的: abstrakt abstract; analog abstracted; discrete; metaphysical; nonrepresentational; presentative; pure; speculative; way-out这是一本深奥的书: this is a debook抽象概念;摘要: abstractiom抽象的,难解的: abstract抽象的存在: abstract being抽象的概念: abstract concept抽象的高: think highly of抽象的过失: culpa in abstraco抽象的人性: human nature in the abstract