

发音:   用"深入采访"造句
  • digvtvt
  • 深入:    go deep into; penetrate into
  • 采访:    gather material; cover
  • 采访:    have an interview with; cover (news); make inquiries; be on assignment (for a newspaper); gather material 采访新闻 cover a news item; gather news; 向某人采访 interview sb.; 电话采访 telephone interview; 记者采访 a press interview; 该大使拒绝了所有记者对他的采访。 the ambassador refused to all interviews.; 采访工作 acquisitioning; 采访区 run; 采访员 correspondent; reporter
  • 深入:    1.(达到事物的内部) go deep into; penetrate into 深入敌后 penetrate far behind enemy lines; 深入改革 deepen [intensify] the reform; further(ing) the reform; in-depth reform; 深入国境线 deep behind the frontier; 深入基层 go down to the grass-roots units; 深入实际 go deep into the realities of life; 深入地总结 sum up in a penetrating way; 深入体制改革 deepen the structural reform; 深入下层 go into the midst of the lower levels; 深入事物本质 probe; deeply into the essence of things2.(深刻) thorough; deepgoing 深入地分析 analyse in depth; 深入研究 study in a deepgoing way; 进行深入的调查研究 make a deep [thorough] investigation and study
  • 预先输入采样:    previous input samples


  1. In order to help an american scholar ( right two ) to study hangzhou dialect , pan jie ( right one ) accompanied him to hangzhou opera group to gather news
  2. Our reporters also interviewed the police , the qiu family members and the neighbors in great detail in order to figure out how a 47 - year - old farmer could become an " demon " when the evil in this heart " took over " his mind
    再辅以对警方、邱兴华家人和邻居等人的大量深入采访,试图勾勒出这样一个47岁的农民,是如何被心中的邪恶“劫持”而成为一个“恶魔” 。


        深入:    go deep into; penetrate into
        采访:    gather material; cover
        采访:    have an interview with; cover (news); make inquiries; be on assignment (for a newspaper); gather material 采访新闻 cover a news item; gather news; 向某人采访 interview sb.; 电话采访 telephone interview; 记者采访 a press interview; 该大使拒绝了所有记者对他的采访。 the ambassador refused to all interviews.; 采访工作 acquisitioning; 采访区 run; 采访员 correspondent; reporter
        深入:    1.(达到事物的内部) go deep into; penetrate into 深入敌后 penetrate far behind enemy lines; 深入改革 deepen [intensify] the reform; further(ing) the reform; in-depth reform; 深入国境线 deep behind the frontier; 深入基层 go down to the grass-roots units; 深入实际 go deep into the realities of life; 深入地总结 sum up in a penetrating way; 深入体制改革 deepen the structural reform; 深入下层 go into the midst of the lower levels; 深入事物本质 probe; deeply into the essence of things2.(深刻) thorough; deepgoing 深入地分析 analyse in depth; 深入研究 study in a deepgoing way; 进行深入的调查研究 make a deep [thorough] investigation and study
        预先输入采样:    previous input samples
        不采访:    no interviews,
        采访表:    census schedule
        采访部:    acquisition department
        采访区:    mixedzone
        采访人:    interviewer
        采访通:    reportman
        采访员:    interviewer
        采访者:    interviewer noun
        采访证:    media pass
        采访组:    acquisitions department
        访谈,采访:    interview
        接受……采访:    be interviewed by
        面试;采访:    interview
        区采访:    itv
        做采访:    make an interview
        深入的:    c.intensive; deep going; deepgoing; in-depth; intensive
        深入地:    in depth
        深入你:    in2u
        深入于:    penetrate with; penetratewith
        前行输入采样值:    past input samples


  1. "深溶作用"英文
  2. "深如海 广如天"英文
  3. "深入"英文
  4. "深入, 实际上"英文
  5. "深入不毛之地"英文
  6. "深入持久进行审慎而系统调查的调查委员会"英文
  7. "深入丛林"英文
  8. "深入德克萨斯之心"英文
  9. "深入的"英文
  10. "深入的, 彻底的"英文


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