- digvtvt
- 深入: go deep into; penetrate into
- 采访: gather material; cover
- 采访: have an interview with; cover (news); make inquiries; be on assignment (for a newspaper); gather material 采访新闻 cover a news item; gather news; 向某人采访 interview sb.; 电话采访 telephone interview; 记者采访 a press interview; 该大使拒绝了所有记者对他的采访。 the ambassador refused to all interviews.; 采访工作 acquisitioning; 采访区 run; 采访员 correspondent; reporter
- 深入: 1.(达到事物的内部) go deep into; penetrate into 深入敌后 penetrate far behind enemy lines; 深入改革 deepen [intensify] the reform; further(ing) the reform; in-depth reform; 深入国境线 deep behind the frontier; 深入基层 go down to the grass-roots units; 深入实际 go deep into the realities of life; 深入地总结 sum up in a penetrating way; 深入体制改革 deepen the structural reform; 深入下层 go into the midst of the lower levels; 深入事物本质 probe; deeply into the essence of things2.(深刻) thorough; deepgoing 深入地分析 analyse in depth; 深入研究 study in a deepgoing way; 进行深入的调查研究 make a deep [thorough] investigation and study
- 预先输入采样: previous input samples