深入: go deep into; penetrate into持久: lasting; enduring; durable; ...进行: be in progress; be underway; ...审慎: cautious; careful; circumspe ...系统: system调查: investigate; examine; inquir ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...调查委员会: committee of enquiry调查委员会: board of inquiry; board of investigation; board of survey; commission of inquiry; commission of investigation; committee of enquiry; fact finding committee; investigating committee; investigation committee; select committee调查委员会科: board of inquiry section调查团, 调查委员会: commission of enquiry or inquiry进行深入的调查研究: make a deinvestigation and study巴尔干调查委员会: commission of inquiring in the balkan保险调查委员会: insurance survey board比荷卢调查委员会: belgo-netherlands-luxembourg rapprochement committee布隆迪调查委员会: commission of inquiry in burundi常设调查委员会: permanent commission of enquiry国际调查委员会: international commission of inquiry机构间调查委员会: interinstitutional investigation commission纪律调查委员会: udicating panel节育调查委员会: cifc; council for the investigation of fertility control可可叶调查委员会: commission of enquiry on the cocoa leaf全国调查委员会: coselho nacional de pesquisas人口调查委员会: population census committee实况调查委员会: fact-findingcommittee