All import and export goods shall be subject to customs examination 第十九条进出口货物应当接受海关查验。
Customs inspection fee 海关查验费
The above does not include storge , special customs inspection or special delivery requirements 以上不包含仓储费,海关查验费或者其他特别运送要求所导致的费用
Plus 1 or 2 extra days . make sure you carry your prescriptions with you to avoid problems at the customs ,并请多加1至2天左右的剂量。请您务必随身携带处方以备海关查验。
All inbound and outbound articles shall be accurately declared with the customs by the owner , and be subject to customs examination 第二十九条进出境物品的所有人应当向海关如实申报,并接受海关查验。