

发音:   用"海关查验"造句


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  1. All import and export goods shall be subject to customs examination
  2. Customs inspection fee
  3. The above does not include storge , special customs inspection or special delivery requirements
  4. Plus 1 or 2 extra days . make sure you carry your prescriptions with you to avoid problems at the customs
  5. All inbound and outbound articles shall be accurately declared with the customs by the owner , and be subject to customs examination


        海关:    customhouse; customs
        查验:    check; examine
        海关查验费:    customs inspection fee
        把行李交海关查验通过:    clear one's luggage through customs
        海关查扣:    customs seizure
        国际海关查缉公约:    international convention on customs enforcement
        海关查缉走私情报系统:    cis
        查验:    check; examine 查验护照 examine a passport; 查验行李 inspect the baggage; 查验遗嘱 inspection of will
        拉关查:    la guancha
        海关:    customhouse; customs 办完海关手续要多少时间? how long will it take us to pass the customs?; 海关保管 customs custody; 海关保税 customs bond; 海关保税仓库 bonded warehouse; 海关报关 customs declaration; 海关仓库 customs warehouse; customs storage; 海关仓库交货价 exbond; 海关代理人 customs broker; 海关担保 customs guarantee; 海关登记 customs entry; 海关法 customs law; 海关放行 customs clearance; 海关关税法 customs tariff law; 海关官员 customs house officer; customs officer; collector of customs; jerquer; 海关规章[条例] customs regulations; 海关过境单 customs transit document; 海关缉私官员 customs preventive officer; 海关检疫 customs quarantine control; 海关结关 customs clearance; 海关进口税则 customs import tariff; 海关经纪人 customhouse broker; 海关扣留 customs detention; 海关免税仓库 customs free depot; 海关申报单 customs declaration; 海关手续 customs formalities [procedures]; 海关税收 customs revenue; 海关税则 customs tariff; 海关艇 customs boat; 海关通行证 customs pass; carnet; 海关委托人 customs consignee; 海关许可证明书 customs eadquarters of the customs service; 海关总署 customs head office; customs bureau; 海关组织 customs organization
        查验费:    customs inspection fee; inspection service fee
        查验员:    examiner
        受查验:    probate; prove
        查验报关单:    bill of sight
        查验场地:    inspection yard
        查验护照:    examine a passport
        查验内件:    verification of contents
        查验行李:    inspect the baggage
        查验遗嘱:    inspection of will
        拆箱查验:    membongkar barang utk diperiksa
        抽查验证:    verification by selected examination
        调查,讯问,查验,审理:    probe
        过机查验:    pemeriksaan melalui mesin
        护照查验:    passport control
        检查验收:    acceptance checks


  1. "海关仓库货物出仓单"英文
  2. "海关仓库交货价"英文
  3. "海关册"英文
  4. "海关查缉走私情报系统"英文
  5. "海关查扣"英文
  6. "海关查验费"英文
  7. "海关场院"英文
  8. "海关长"英文
  9. "海关成本会计"英文
  10. "海关程序分委会"英文


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