查验: check; examine护照: passport验护照: examine a passport; passport control交验护照: verification of passport护照查验: passport control查验: check; examine 查验护照 examine a passport; 查验行李 inspect the baggage; 查验遗嘱 inspection of will护照: passport 公务护照 service passport; 签发护照 issue passport; 签准护照 vise a passport; 拒发护照 withhold passport; 外交护照 diplomatic passport; 向当局申请护照 apply to the authorities for a passport 经验护士: practical nurse查验费: customs inspection fee; inspection service fee查验员: examiner受查验: probate; prove见习经验护士: student practical nurse发护照: to issue passport护照,证件: pass, der; ..e护照号: pa ort no; passport no假护照: counterfeit [forged] passport查验报关单: bill of sight查验场地: inspection yard查验内件: verification of contents查验行李: inspect the baggage查验遗嘱: inspection of will拆箱查验: membongkar barang utk diperiksa抽查验证: verification by selected examination调查,讯问,查验,审理: probe过机查验: pemeriksaan melalui mesin