浮: float; drift洗: distinct; clear浮洗机: flotation washer盐水浮洗槽: brine floatation tank浮洗式纤维回收机: float-wash fractionator浮息证券: variable interest securities浮息债券: floating rate bonds浮现: appear before one's eyes; emerge; raise; drift; occur; rise 浮现脑海[际] arise in one's mind; recur to one's mind; 浮现眼前 rise before one's eyes; 浮现笑容。 one's face lit up with a smile. 他的面容浮现在我面前。 his image rose before me. 往事浮现在我眼前。 scenes of the past rose before my eyes.; the past came back to my mind.; my mind flashed back to scenes of the past浮息投资: variable interest investment浮现, 形成, 出现, 显露: emerge浮息票据来源: floating rate note; frn浮现,出现: emerge浮息票据: floating rate note (frn); frn