They stood for a while on a terrace by the side of the hospital . 他们在济贫院旁边的一块坪地上站了一阵子。
The noble lines of the hospital, immortal monument of inigo janes came in view . 济贫院的高贵轮廓和英尼戈琼斯的不朽纪念碑进入眼帘。
As for linden's sons, the guardians intimated their intention of compelling them to contribute towards the cost of their parents' maintenance . 至于林登的儿子们,济贫局说要强迫他们负担一部分赡养父母的费用。
Linden, feeling utterly crushed and degraded, swallowed all that remained of his pride and went like a beaten dog to see the relieving officer . 在面临绝境的情况下,林登也就不能再顾什么面子,只得象一只丧家之犬跑到济贫局去。
He helped the poor and rescued those in danger 他济贫并救人于危难。
济贫法: old poor law; poor haw; poor law济贫箱: poor box济贫院: almshouse; les hospices; workhouse新济贫: new poor〔英国〕济贫院。: casual house济贫拔苦: relieve the poor and comfort the afflicted济贫扶困: give help to the poor, to those who are in need济贫计划: poverty program济贫医院: hospice hospital济贫赈苦: help the poor and destitute劫富济贫: rob the rich and assist [relieve] the poor; rob the rich to feed the poor救济贫民: aid the poors开仓济贫: open the granaries to relieve the poor; open the barn to help the poor新济贫法: amendment bill; amendmentbill; the new poor law义举济贫: relieve the poor for a good cause济贫法事务局: poor law board济贫法, 贫民救济法: poor law贫民救助法,济贫法。: poor law使成为受救济贫民: pauperization〔英国〕(济贫院的)临时收容所。: casual ward济贫院;〔美国〕感化院,劳动教养院。: workhouse私立济贫院或养老院: almshouse他们捐助食物和衣服救济贫民: they have offered food and clothes for the relief of the poor济漂昆: zibyukwin济漂贡: zibyugon济漂当丹: zibyutaungdan