测量: survey; measure过: cross; pass的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...测定: determine; determination; se ...有分寸: having a sense of propriety; ...推敲: weigh; deliberate有分寸的: politic一首有分寸的曲子: a decent melody有分寸: having a sense of propriety; knowing how far to go and when to stop发言有分寸: make a measured speech做事有分寸: observe proper restraint量过的: measured裸露须有分寸: you can’t be too careful未称量过的: unweighed测定的,测量的,按计量的: metered测定的;量出的;测量的: measured测量过程: measurement process; measuring process尺寸的测定: urine collection bags : determination of dimensions分寸: proper limits for speech or action; sense of propriety 不知分寸 lack tact; have no sense of propriety; 发言有分寸 make a measured speech; 有失分寸 a breach of propriety; 做事有分寸 observe proper restraint; act with propriety推敲: weigh; deliberate 推敲词句 weigh one's words; seek the right word; 经过反复推敲 after repeated deliberation; 那是一个重要文件, 他正在推敲用词。 it was an important document and he was weighing his words照相测量过程: photochemical process测定的: detddetermined; measured测量,测定: admeasure线性尺寸的测定: cellular plastics and rubbersdetermination of linear dimensionsns试件尺寸的测量: plywood-determination of dimensions of test specimens