

发音:   用"活动新闻"造句


  1. More news archive
  2. Helps groups of people with shared interests to meet up in places around the world
  3. Library of online information and links related to mostly u . s . public policy issues . formerly policy . com


        活动:    move about; exercise
        新闻:    news
        特别活动新闻干事:    information officer special events
        日本基督教活动新闻:    japan christian activity news
        滚动新闻:    news flash; rolling news
        劳动新闻:    rodong sinmum; rodong sinmun
        劳动新闻报:    verkalydsbladid
        行动新闻:    action news the; action news, the
        反歧视运动新闻:    imadr bulletin
        刚见报的轰动新闻:    a story that is hot off the press ie has just appeared in the newspapers
        自动新闻接收机:    automatic receiver for news
        技术活动新领域提案:    proposal for new field of technical activity
        对技术活动新领域的投票表决:    voting on new field of technical activity
        机动新撰组:    moeken; monken_tv
        自动新个案:    auto new case
        巴勒斯坦问题新闻活动:    information activities on the question of palestine
        部门间新闻活动工作组:    interdepartmental working grouon public information activities
        机动新世纪gundam:    after war gundam x: under the moonlight
        新闻:    news 国际新闻 world news; 国外新闻 foreign news; 国内新闻 home [domestic] news; 简明新闻 news in brief; 头版新闻 front-page news; front-page story; 广播新闻 broadcast news; 传播新闻 disseminate news; mobilize news; 本地新闻 local news; 本市新闻 city news; 头条新闻 front page news; head-line news; 标题新闻 headline news; 桃色新闻 sexy news; 今晚的广播新闻 tonight's radio news; 从事新闻业 exercise the profession of journalism; 有什么新闻? what is the news?; 新闻保护法 [法律] shield law; 新闻报导 news report; newspaper report; news story; news coverage; 新>闻编辑 news editing; 新闻编辑室 (editorial) newsroom; 新闻播音员 news reader [英国]; 新闻采访 news gathering; 新闻出版 journalism; 新闻处 office of information;information service; 新闻导向(作用) the guiding role of the mass media; 新闻短片 news film; newsreel;新闻发布官 news briefing officer; press officer; 新闻发布会 news briefing; news release; press conference; 新闻发言人 news spokesman; press secretary; 新闻法 press law; 新闻封锁 news blackout; 新闻稿 press release; news release; 新闻工作者 journalist; 新闻公报 press communique; 新闻广播 newscast; 新闻广播员 newscaster; 新闻记者 newsman; newspaperman; reporter; journalist; [俚语] newshawk; newshound; 新闻检查 censorship of press; 新闻检查官 press censor; 新闻简报 news su
        联合国新闻政策和活动审查委员会:    committee to review united nations public information policies and activities; committeetoreviewunitednationspublicinformationpoliciesandactivities
        社会问题首脑会议新闻活动工作队:    task force on information activities for the social summit
        审查新闻部目前活动工作队:    task force to conduct an examination of dpi's current activities
        活动:    1.(运动) move about; exercise 活动筋骨 move muscles in exercise or work; 出去活动活动。 go out and stretch your limbs.2.(动摇) shaky; unsteady 这把椅子活动了。 the chair is shaky. 这个螺丝活动了。 this screw is loose.3.(不固定) movable; mobile; flexible 活动坝 movable dam; 活动房屋 prefabricated house4.(为达到某种目的而采取的行动) activity; maneuver 各种活动 various activities; 政治活动 potilical activities5.(说情) use personal influence or irregular means 替他活动活动 put in a word for him; use one's influence on his behalf6.[心] behaviour; 活动靶 [军事] bombing bug; maneuvering target; 活动坝 movable dam; 活动板牙 adjustable die; 活动半径 action radius; 活动挡板 sideboard (车辆的); 活动范围 sphere of activities; scope of operation; 活动方式 manner; 活动房屋 movable dwellings; 活动家 activist; public figure; 活动楼梯 folding stair; 活动炉底 movable bottom; 活动码头 wharf boat; 活动木偶 kinemins; 活动平台 mobile unit; 活动铅笔 propelling pencil; 活动桥 [工业] movable bridge; traversing bridge; 活动舞台 riser; revolving stage; 活动资本 liquid capital
        机动新世纪gundam x:    after war gundam x
        机动新撰组 萌之剑:    kidō shinsengumi moeyo ken


  1. "活动斜凳"英文
  2. "活动斜台"英文
  3. "活动卸料板"英文
  4. "活动芯棒"英文
  5. "活动芯棒拉拔"英文
  6. "活动心电图"英文
  7. "活动心子"英文
  8. "活动信标"英文
  9. "活动星"英文
  10. "活动星系"英文


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