对: answer; reply技术: technology; skill; technique ...活动: move about; exercise新领域: frontier; hinterland的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...投票表决: decide by ballot技术活动新领域提案: proposal for new field of technical activity技术活动的新领域: new field of technical activity投票表决: decide by ballot; voting记名投票表决: vote by open ballot秘密投票表决: vote by secret ballot二月法投票表决: two months vote六月法投票表决: six months vote对国际标准草案投票表决: voting on dis对委员会草案投票表决: voting on committee draft提议以投票表决终止辩论: move the closure以投票表决终止辩论: apply the closure to a debate新领域: frontier; hinterland 医学新领域 the frontiers of medicine; 扩大人类知识的新领域 advance the frontier of human knowledge技术活动委员会: committee for technical activities (cat)对新工作项目建议投票表决: voting on new work item proposal通过投票表决市长被罢免了职务: the mayor was recalled by voting由公众集会投票表决的法令: psephism用于消费者的投票表单文件格式: vfn voter表决;投票: voting领域的: domanial