河道: river course; streamway; cov ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...交织: interweave; intertwine; ming ...河道的: potamic交织河道: braid纲线的交织: joints河道的游荡: meandering河道的支流: tributary河道的蜿曲: meandering of river顺河道的: down channel河道交织作用: anastomosing河道的中泓线: thread of channel基本的交织段长度: elemental weaving section染成同色的交织物: union dyed fabric河道的缓变平衡流量: regime discharge通过疏浚保持河道的深度: the depth of the river is maintained by dredging交织: interweave; intertwine; mingle; anastomosis; interlace; interlacing; interwovenness; felting; intertexture 惊异和喜悦交织在一起。 joy mingled with surprise河道: river course; streamway; covalency; runway; cut; river channel◇河道变迁 channel change; migration of channel; 河道沉积 within-channel deposit; 河道冲刷 river channel erosion; 河道改直 rectification of river; 河道汇流 concentration of channel; 河道疏浚 training of channel; 河道网 river net; 河道污染 pollution of river; 河道淤积 river channel sedimentation; 河道整治 channel improvement道的: meatal废河道(古河道): dead river非交织: non-interlaced混纺,交织: interweave交织布: interwoven fabrics交织绸: interwoven silk; mixed piece goods; mixed pongee; silk mixed交织的: interfelted; interlaced; interlacing; pilotaxitic; tangled