基本: basic; fundamental的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...交织: interweave; intertwine; ming ...段长度: segment length交织段: weaving section of roads纲线的交织: joints河道的交织: braiding层段长度: interval length层流段长度: laminar flow extent; laminar-flow extent成型段长度: land length程序段长度: program segment size; segment length反应段长度: reaction length管段长度: length of pipe section; length of the pipe焊段长度: length of increment; lengthofincrement河段长度: length of reach缓和段长度: length of runoff活性段长度: active length加速段长度: transition distance进口段长度: entrance length进流段长度: length of entrance爬高段长度: climb片段长度: rflp坡段长度: length of grade section; length of slope element起始段长度: entrance length切段长度: cut length