没有: not have; there is not; be w ...文件: document; file; papers; inst ...被: quilt替换: replace; substitute for; dis ...没有文件了: error 18 no more files所有文件被操作员取消: all files canceled by operator被替换队员: substituted player被替换人员: ddisplaced person被替换的队员: substituted player所有文件: all files; allf iles; allfiles现有文件: existing instrument有文件的: documentary有文件小: indexed color自有文件: owner file放在皇宫的带子先被替换: the lace placed in the palace is replaced first and displaced later打印所有文件: print all files关闭所有文件: close all; closeall抓取所有文件: everything替换文件: alternate file文件替换: file replace复制所有文件信息: mainform.querycopyinfo他因伪造文件被判3年徒刑: he was sentenced to 3 years for forgery文件被执行指令的显示: echo m有文: aribumi; arifumi开始替换文件: press any key to replacing files