没有: not have; there is not; be w ...尾: hairs on a horse's tail spik ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...有尾的: caudated; caudiferous; tailed①有尾的②尾状的: caudatus没有尾巴的: acaudate有尾: caudation尾的: caudal; coccygeal有尾类: caudata; urodela; uroerythrin有尾目: caudata; gustatus; salamander有尾螈: urcodylus长尾的: macrurous船尾的: aft; sternward等尾的: isocercal短尾的: bobtail; brachyural; brachyuric; brachyurous; short-tailed断尾的: bobtail; docked肛尾的: anococcygeal共尾的: confinal褐尾的: brown-tail截尾的: bobtail结尾的: brachyuric; terminative具尾的: caudate; tailed卷尾的: end of reel阑尾的: appendicalappendicealappendicular; appendicular裸尾的: nudicaudate