

  • the motorboat cut across swift currents and skirted dangerous reefs
  • 汽艇:    steamboat
  • 穿过:    pass through; cross over; pa ...
  • 激流:    rushing stream
  • :    wind; coil
  • :    cross; pass


        汽艇:    steamboat
        穿过:    pass through; cross over; pa ...
        激流:    rushing stream
        :    wind; coil
        :    cross; pass
        险滩:    dangerous shoal; rapids
        绕过险滩:    the motorboat cut across swift currents and skirted dangerous reefs
        迅速穿过激流:    shooting the rapids
        激流险滩:    turbulent rivers and treacherous shoals
        穿过激波:    transition through shock front
        迅速通过激流:    run the rapids
        绕过:    by pass; bypass; circle; circumnavigate; circumvention; detour; pass by; run around; skirt; turn
        汽艇:    motorboat; motor launch; gasboat; powerboat; launch◇汽艇游客旅馆 boatel
        过激:    too drastic; extreme; radical; extremist; intemperance 过激的态度 extreme attitude; 过激的言论 extremist opinions; 过激分子 extremist; ultra; 过激派 extremist; 过激主义 ultraism
        由他掌舵通过这段激流险滩是万无一失的:    with him at the helm we are a hundred percent safe crossing these treacherous rapids
        激流:    rapids; torrent; turbulent current; tornado; rush; rip 迅速通过激流 shoot the rapids; 顺激流而下 descend the rapids of the river
        穿过:    (通过; 越过) pass through; cross over; passage; passing; thread; through 我们穿过好几英里茂密的林地。 we passed through miles of densely wooded country
        探险滩:    bai tham hiem
        未保过险的:    uni ured
        避开,绕过:    bypass
        汽艇,汽船。:    motorboat
        汽艇,下水:    launch
        汽艇法:    motorboation
        小汽艇:    car topper; cutter; motor launch; pinnace; runabout
        电流绕组:    current winding


  1. "汽艇,汽船。"英文
  2. "汽艇,下水"英文
  3. "汽艇,汽船,轮船。"英文
  4. "汽艇,小火轮。"英文
  5. "汽艇比赛"英文
  6. "汽艇法"英文
  7. "汽艇旅馆"英文
  8. "汽艇码头"英文
  9. "汽艇式艏"英文
  10. "汽艇游客旅馆"英文


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