

  • crystal-ball forecasting
  • 水晶:    berg crystal; crystal; mount ...
  • :    sphere; globe
  • 预测:    calculate; forecast; prognos ...
  • 水晶球:    beyond; crystal ball; speculum&
  • 粉水晶水晶球:    pink quartz crystal ball


        水晶:    berg crystal; crystal; mount ...
        :    sphere; globe
        预测:    calculate; forecast; prognos ...
        水晶球:    beyond; crystal ball; speculum&
        粉水晶水晶球:    pink quartz crystal ball
        水晶球占卜:    scryed
        椰茸水晶球:    coconut mastigoneme crystal ball
        绿幽灵水晶球:    guest quarte crystal ball
        水晶球占卜术:    crystal gazing
        水晶球占卜者:    crystal-gazer
        奥克鲁斯的水晶球:    the ocolos swiling crystal
        以水晶球卦算吉凶:    scry
        晶球:    geode
        大盗贼第六集奇幻的水晶球:    qi huan de shui jing qiu
        晶洞;晶球:    geode
        水晶:    [矿物学] berg crystal; crystal; mountain crystal; pebble; quartz crystal; rock crystal 她买了一个水晶项链。 she bought a necklace of crystals.; 水晶玻璃 crystal; 水晶宫 the crystal palace (of the dragon king); 水晶矿床 rock crystal deposit; 水晶片 quartz plate; 水晶石 rock quartz; 水晶体 crystalline lens
        全球预防:    universal precaution
        预测:    calculate; forecast; prognosis; divine; forecasting; foreshadowing; predetermination 预测日蚀 calculate an eclipse of the sun; 预测台风 detect a typhoon; 作无把握的预测 hazard a forecast; (股票)行情预测 stock-market farecasting; 商情预测 business forecast; 对可能发生的事作出相当准确的预测 give a fairly accurate forecast of what may happen; 统计分析是一种相当可靠的预测方法。 statistical analysis is a means of arriving at a fairly reliable forecast
        包晶球化:    peritectic spheroidizing
        多晶球瘤:    polycrystalline nodule
        真知晶球:    palantír
        针雏晶球粒:    belono haerite; belonosphaerite; benolosphaerite
        针皱晶球粒:    belono herite; belonospherite
        地球预报效应:    globe warning effect
        环球预托证券:    global depository receipt


  1. "水晶劈"英文
  2. "水晶片"英文
  3. "水晶瓶酒"英文
  4. "水晶墙"英文
  5. "水晶球"英文
  6. "水晶球占卜"英文
  7. "水晶球占卜术"英文
  8. "水晶球占卜者"英文
  9. "水晶人"英文
  10. "水晶人头骨"英文


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