" whoa , this is old ! don ' t know if you can play it back . 哇哦,好老的记忆晶球,不知道还能不能播。
" when you have learned to snatch the error code from the trap frame , it will be time for you to leave . “当你从我手中夺走水晶球时,就是你离开的时候了。 ”
Rutilated quartz and tigers eye holds the vibration of non - conditional governance in the language of light , or the 10th of the base notes of the entire scale 发晶球和虎眼石球掌握光之语中无条件统御的振动,和整个音阶的10个基础音符。
Thankfully , these quickly became a thing of the past and were replaced before the second world war by lighter crystallite balls made from the crushed shin bones of cows 谢天谢地,这很快就成为了历史,在第二次世界大战之前,更为轻便的微晶球取而代之,它们由碾碎的母牛胫骨制成。
It is indicated that the improved model can calculate the fraction of ferrite and pearlite more accurately , and can specially reflect the effect of both undercooling during the eutectoid transformation and the amount of graphite nodules formed during the process of eutectic reaction on the fraction of pearlite 结果表明,改进的模型可以更准确地预测球铁中铁素体和珠光体的数量,能够准确地体现共析阶段过冷情况和共晶球墨数对珠光体数量的影响。