

[ qìzhuàngrúniú ] 发音:   "气壮如牛"的汉语解释   用"气壮如牛"造句
  • fierce as a bull; as tough as bulls; strong as an ox 短语和例子


  1. The second was a group of vociferous air marshales .
  2. "no, no, nowthat's too much!" said the timid man, becoming a man of brazen courage all of a sudden .
  3. " no , no , now that ' s too much ! " said the timid man , becoming a man of brazen courage all of a sudden
    “别说了,别说了够了! ”那胆怯的人说道,突然间,他变得气壮如牛了。
  4. No ! ’ he said , a little sullenly , but stoutly ; ‘ i ' m not sorry . and it wasn ' t folly at all ! it was simply glorious
    “不! ”他脸色阴沉但气壮如牛地说, “我不遗憾。那根本就不是什么胡闹!那是光荣的! ”


        气壮如牛,胆小如鼠:    outwardly fierce as a bull but inwardly timid as a mouse
        气壮如牛胆小如鼠:    outwardly fierce as a bull but inwardly timid as a mouse
        表面上气壮如牛,实际上胆小如鼠:    outwardly fierce as a bull but inwardly timid as a mouse
        表面上气壮如牛实际上胆小如鼠:    outwardly fierce as a bull but inwardly timid as a mouse
        健壮如牛:    as strong as a horse; as strong as an ox
        健壮如牛的:    bullocking |
        强壮如牛:    strong as a horse
        体壮如牛:    strong as an ox
        虎背熊腰(健壮如牛):    as strong as a horse
        气壮痔:    stimulated anal fistula
        理直气壮:    be in the right and self-confident; a reasonable man is bold and straightforward.; be bold and straight; be courageous with sufficient reason(s); be justified and confident; be self-confident on the strength of one's righteousness; be upright and honest; justly and forceful; in bold and straightforward terms; one is audacious with logical reasons.; righteous indignation; self-confident on the strength of one's being right; strong reasons make strong actions.; when one is right, his purpose is firm.; (speak) with compelling arguments and confidence; with justice on one's side, one is bold and assured 理直气壮地回答 reply confidently; 说话理直气壮 speak with great confidence
        气壮山河:    with a heroic spirit that conquers mountains and rivers; a heroic spirit that whelms the heaven and earth; full of power and grandeur; sublime and heroic; magnificent; the spirit is so vigorous that it affects even the mountains and the rivers.: 一篇气壮山河的宣言 a magnificent manifesto
        人老气壮:    old in age, but buoyant in spirit
        吃草如牛。:    eat grass like oxen
        蠢笨如牛:    clumsy as an ox
        多如牛毛:    as many as the hairs on an ox -- innumerable; countless; too numerous to enumerate 那时, 苛捐杂税多如牛毛。 at that time, taxes and levies were as many as the hairs on an ox
        多如牛毛的:    numberless as the sand
        吼叫如牛:    roar like a bull
        力大如牛:    as powerful as an ox; be as robust as a bull; with the strength of a bull
        气喘如牛:    pant like a bull; have bellows to mend; gasping for breath
        如牛负重:    toil like a beast of burden; be overburdened; carry a heavy load on one's back like an ox; like loads on the backs of oxen; like beasts of burden
        壮健如牛:    be (as) strong as an ox
        拗执如牛:    be obstinate like an ox; be as obstinate as an ox
        借钱是气壮的:    it is reasonable to borrow from others / proud borrowing is
        气转移系数:    aeration coefficient
        气转换器:    electro-pneumatic convertor


        气壮如牛的俄语:pinyin:qìzhuàngrúniú (лишь) внешним видом похож на буйвола (обр. в знач.: показная удаль, бравада)
        气壮如牛什么意思:qì zhuàng rú niú 【解释】气很盛,但使人觉得笨拙 【示例】他那~的样子,简直像要吃人 【拼音码】qzrn 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语;含贬义 【英文】be swollen with arrogance but lack mental or spiritual ballast


  1. "气注"英文
  2. "气转"英文
  3. "气转的"英文
  4. "气转换器"英文
  5. "气转移系数"英文
  6. "气壮如牛,胆小如鼠"英文
  7. "气壮如牛胆小如鼠"英文
  8. "气壮山河"英文
  9. "气壮痔"英文
  10. "气状"英文


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