

[ duōrúniúmáo ] 发音:   "多如牛毛"的汉语解释   用"多如牛毛"造句
  • as many as the hairs on an ox -- innumerable; countless; too numerous to enumerate 短语和例子
  • 多如牛毛的:    numberless as the sand
  • 那时苛捐杂税多如牛毛:    that time taxes and levies were as many as the hairs on an ox
  • 牛毛:    ox hair; cowhair 多如牛毛 as many as the hairs on an ox; countless; innumerable; as numerous as the hair on an ox back; as plentiful as blackberries
  • 牛毛草:    fescue
  • 牛毛呢:    thiband


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. At that time , taxes and levies were as many as the hairs on an ox .
  2. In august the place is lousy with tourists
  3. Bad managers are a dime a done but a good one is diffcult to find
  4. Universities are a dime a dozen , but a good one is difficult to find
  5. Bad managers are a dime a dozen but a good one is difficult to find


        多如牛毛的:    numberless as the sand
        那时苛捐杂税多如牛毛:    that time taxes and levies were as many as the hairs on an ox
        牛毛:    ox hair; cowhair 多如牛毛 as many as the hairs on an ox; countless; innumerable; as numerous as the hair on an ox back; as plentiful as blackberries
        牛毛草:    fescue
        牛毛呢:    thiband
        牛毛七:    mountain oreas herb
        牛毛纱:    cow hair yarn
        牛毛虱:    bovicola bovis; cattle biting louse; cattle chewing louse
        牛毛毯:    cattle hair felt
        牛毛坞:    niumaowu
        牛毛毡:    eleocharis acicularis; heleocharis yokoscensis tang et wang
        牛毛粘:    cowgrass
        小牛毛:    calf hair
        牦牛毛:    yak hair; yh yark hair; yh:yark hair
        吃草如牛。:    eat grass like oxen
        蠢笨如牛:    clumsy as an ox
        吼叫如牛:    roar like a bull
        健壮如牛:    as strong as a horse; as strong as an ox
        健壮如牛的:    bullocking |
        力大如牛:    as powerful as an ox; be as robust as a bull; with the strength of a bull
        气喘如牛:    pant like a bull; have bellows to mend; gasping for breath
        气壮如牛:    fierce as a bull; as tough as bulls; strong as an ox 气壮如牛, 胆小如鼠 outwardly fierce as a bull but inwardly timid as a mouse
        强壮如牛:    strong as a horse
        如牛负重:    toil like a beast of burden; be overburdened; carry a heavy load on one's back like an ox; like loads on the backs of oxen; like beasts of burden
        多茹迪奇:    dozudic; dozzudicj
        多乳房:    multimammae; pkkeomastia; polymastia; polymazia; supernumerary breasts


        多如牛毛的法语:nombreux comme les poils d'un bœuf;innombrable;incalculabl
        多如牛毛的日语:duo1ru2niu2mao2 [成]无数(の).数え切れない
        多如牛毛的韩语:【성어】 쇠털같이 많다. 苛捐杂税多如牛毛; 가혹한 잡세가 엄청나다
        多如牛毛的俄语:[duō rú niúmáo] обр. бесчисленное множество; не счесть
        多如牛毛什么意思:duō rú niú máo 【解释】象牛身上的的毛那样多。形容极多。 【出处】《北史·文苑列传序》:“学者如牛毛,成者如麟角。” 【示例】老百姓痛恨官府催粮催捐,苛捐杂派~,逼得老百姓活不下去。(姚雪垠《李自成》第二卷第二十八章) 【拼音码】drnm 【用法】偏正式;作谓语、定语;含贬义 【英文】as thick as June blackerries


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  5. "多茹迪奇"英文
  6. "多如牛毛的"英文
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  9. "多乳房小鼠乳头瘤病毒"英文
  10. "多乳房小鼠乳头瘤簿"英文


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