

发音:   用"比较牵强"造句
  • he wanted to console the two families
  • 比较:    compare; compare with; contr ...
  • 牵强:    forced; farfetched; strained
  • 牵强:    forced (interpretation,etc.); farfetched; strained 你的解释有些牵强。 your explanation sounds farfetched
  • 牵强的:    strained
  • 牵强附会:    draw a forced analogy;make a farfetched [irrelevant] comparison; give a strained interpretation; stretch [strain; wrest] the sense [meaning]; fasten on [draw] an unwarranted conclusion; bring [drag; push; thrust] in by head [by the head] and shoulders; stretch of language 牵强附会的例证 a farfetched illustration; 他的笑话有些牵强附会。 his jokes were somewhat farfetched


        比较:    compare; compare with; contr ...
        牵强:    forced; farfetched; strained
        牵强:    forced (interpretation,etc.); farfetched; strained 你的解释有些牵强。 your explanation sounds farfetched
        牵强的:    strained
        牵强附会:    draw a forced analogy;make a farfetched [irrelevant] comparison; give a strained interpretation; stretch [strain; wrest] the sense [meaning]; fasten on [draw] an unwarranted conclusion; bring [drag; push; thrust] in by head [by the head] and shoulders; stretch of language 牵强附会的例证 a farfetched illustration; 他的笑话有些牵强附会。 his jokes were somewhat farfetched
        牵强附会的:    far-fetched
        强迫地, 牵强地:    forcedly
        比较:    1.(对比) compare; compare with; contrast; parallel (with); comparison; by comparison; in comparison (with); opposed to; when opposed to 把译文和原文比较一下 check the translation against the original; 对两队所作的比较表明星期六的比赛很可能是势均力敌的。 a comparison of the two teams indicates that saturday's game will probably be close.2.(用来比较性状和程度的差别; 作介词用) 汽车的产量比较去年有显著的增长。 the output of cars shows a marked increase over last year.3.(具有一定程度; 作副词用) fairly; comparatively; relatively; quite; rather 比较公正 comparatively just [impartial]; 比较成熟 relatively mature; 比较习惯 quite accustomed to; 这里条件比较艰苦。 conditions are rather tough here.; 比较文学 comparative literature; 比较心理学comparative psychology; 比较语言学 comparative linguistics
        牵强的, 不自然的:    far-fetched
        你的解释有些牵强:    your explanation sounds farfetched
        牵强附会的结论:    farfetched conclusion
        牵强附会的解释:    strained interpretation
        牵强附会的例证:    a farfetched illustration
        未必确定的,牵强的:    far-fetched a. improbable or forced
        他的笑话有些牵强附会:    his jokes were somewhat farfetched
        她是一位贤妻良母。(有点牵强?):    she is a good wife and a devoted mother
        比较、等置:    gleichsetzung
        比较,对比:    ccompare; comparison
        比较,相比:    compare
        比较,相似:    comparison
        比较,协商:    cf.;cfr. confer
        比较表:    comparative statement; comparing watch; comparison sheet; comparison table
        比较大:    larger than smaller than
        比较单:    comparative list; competitive list; competitivelist
        比较的:    alternative; comparatives; compare---comparative; comparing; specific


  1. "比较器类型"英文
  2. "比较器灵敏度"英文
  3. "比较器模块"英文
  4. "比较器线路"英文
  5. "比较气象学"英文
  6. "比较千分尺"英文
  7. "比较乾净的"英文
  8. "比较区不等"英文
  9. "比较区相等"英文
  10. "比较曲线"英文


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