她: she是: Semantics一: one位: place; location贤妻良母: as an understanding wife and ...牵强: forced; farfetched; strained贤妻良母: (ideal type of womanhood) as an understanding wife and loving mother; a clever wife and wise mother; be a good wife and good mother; be a good wife and a kind mother贤妻良母女强人: in search of supermum in australia她是一位: a beautiful daughter was she她是一位聪明: abigale她是一位聪明、美丽的女人: abigale她是一位可靠的伴侣: she is a dependable companion她是一位美丽动人的少女: a beautiful daughter was she她是一位非常厚道的女人充满恻隐之心: she was a most generous woman overflowing with the milk of human kindness她是一位景况十分优裕的妇女: she is a lady in very comfortable circumstances妻良: mera她是一切: she s everything我猜他和这件事有点牵连: i suspect that he is more or less involved in the affair贤妻: the good wife她是一个废物: she was good for nothing她是一个美人: she is a beauty她是一名教师: she is a teacher while her brother is an engineer她是一种兴奋: she was kind of exciting牵强: forced (interpretation,etc.); farfetched; strained 你的解释有些牵强。 your explanation sounds farfetched你是一位英雄: that a hero lies in you