

发音:   用"残损率"造句
  • percentage of damaged goods
  • 残损:    damaged; spoiled
  • :    rate; ratio; proportion
  • 残损:    damaged; spoiled 船上的货物因水湿而残损。 the cargo on board have been damaged by sea water.; 残损货品 damaged goods; 残损价值 salvage value; 残损证明 evidence of damage; 残损证明书 certificate of loss or damage
  • 海损率:    average
  • 耗损率:    coefficient of losses


        残损:    damaged; spoiled
        :    rate; ratio; proportion
        残损:    damaged; spoiled 船上的货物因水湿而残损。 the cargo on board have been damaged by sea water.; 残损货品 damaged goods; 残损价值 salvage value; 残损证明 evidence of damage; 残损证明书 certificate of loss or damage
        海损率:    average
        耗损率:    coefficient of losses
        呼损率:    call lose rate; call rejection rate; percent of call lost; proportion of lost calls
        货损率:    breakage; damage rate of goods; rate of damaged cargo
        漏损率:    leak rate
        靡损率:    amount of wear
        磨损率:    percentage of wear and tear; rate of water; rate of wearing; wear rate
        破损率:    breakage rate; failure rate
        烧损率:    burn out rate; burnoutrate; fare damage rate; ratio of burnt area
        污损率:    ratio of fouling
        线损率:    line loss rate
        缸套磨损率:    liner wear rate
        平均后损率:    mean latter losses rate
        平均磨损率:    average wear rate
        相对磨损率:    relative wear rate; relativewearrate
        原板破损率:    breakage rate of raw sheet
        纸张耗损率:    paper spoilage
        装箱破损率:    failure percentage
        残损不赔:    free from damage
        残损货币:    mutilated currency
        残损货品:    damaged goods
        残损货物:    damaged cargo; goods in bad order


  1. "残损货物检验证书"英文
  2. "残损价值"英文
  3. "残损鉴定"英文
  4. "残损鉴定证书"英文
  5. "残损净价"英文
  6. "残损损失"英文
  7. "残损索赔"英文
  8. "残损条款"英文
  9. "残损证明"英文
  10. "残损证明书"英文


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