In order to ensure both the call congestion ratio satisfying and the channel utilization ratio high enough , researches on the rational configuration method of the system is extremely essential 为了保证系统既有另人满意的呼损率,又有尽可能高的信道利用率,研究系统的合理配置方法就是极为必要的。
Without the central switch a lot of channels and tracks are shared by many users , the cost of the channels is reduced and the utilization factor of them is improved . user can call others by dialing the number , and the dialing is simple and quick 本文给出了有限用户的呼损率公式和有限用户多信道共用系统的信道配置方法,并可根据实际话务量、系统用户数、呼损率配置共用绳路数和中继线对数。
In this thesis , the multi - channel sharing system is considered as a stochastic service system . based on the steady state solution of the birth and death process which state space is a limited set , utilized m / m / n / n / m queue model , the call congestion ratio formula and the channel utilization ratio formula fitting to the limited user system are derived . drawing support from the visual data analyzing function of the software matlab , the value divergence between the formulas and the corresponding one fitting to the infinite user system are compared 本文将多信道共用通信系统视为一个随机服务系统,根据有限状态生灭过程的稳态解,利用m m n n和m m n n m两类排队模型,分别推导出了无限用户和有限用户两类多信道共用系统的呼损率公式和信道利用率公式;借助于matlab的可视化数据分析功能,比较了这两组公式在数值上的差异;指明了两组公式的适用条件。
With the statistical study and analysis of the current model of 10mw base station on whole wireless network of xi " an personal access system , some aspects of processing , wireless side enlang have been calculated . calling lose and phone mode of users decided , and hot saying distributing discussed . based on the mentioned facts and considering the ratio of certain base stations , emphasis is especially placed on figuring out the needed amount of 500mw based stations when services for 250 thousands users are presented . furthermore , the 500mw base stations for 400 thousands scenario users have been obligated and calculated , and the base station controller has been reckoned respectively 本文通过对“西安固定无线接入系统(即pas系统) ”现有10mw基站组网全网无线侧话务模型的统计、分析,计算出无线侧总的话务量,取定一定的呼损率及用户话务模型,考虑到无线侧热点话务分布情况,按照一定的基站组控比例关系,计算出当前25万用户时所需要的500mw基站数量;再按照最终40万用户的比例关系并给出一定的预留,计算出40万用户时所需要的500mw基站数量,同时根据基站数量再推算出所需要基站控制器的数量。
As example , the optimal configuration methods proposed in this thesis are applied to the large - scale telephone line expander system . the application has verified that the multi - channel sharing system for limited users has reached the design requirements at aspect of the call congestion ratio and the channel utilization ratio 作为实例,本文将所研究的系统优化配置方法应用于一个有限用户多信道共用电话系统:大规模电话线路扩容系统,实际应用证明系统的呼损率和信道利用率等指标均已达到了设计要求。
呼: breathe out; exhale损: decrease; lose率: rate; ratio; proportion呼损: call loss; lost calls cleared; lost calls held残损率: percentage of damaged goods海损率: average耗损率: coefficient of losses货损率: breakage; damage rate of goods; rate of damaged cargo漏损率: leak rate靡损率: amount of wear磨损率: percentage of wear and tear; rate of water; rate of wearing; wear rate破损率: breakage rate; failure rate烧损率: burn out rate; burnoutrate; fare damage rate; ratio of burnt area污损率: ratio of fouling线损率: line loss rate呼损处理: call loss handling呼损概率: lost call probability; probability of call loss呼损优先级: call loss priority clp呼损最高户: subscriber with highest call loss真呼损制: proper loss system电话呼损概率: probability of loss尔朗呼损公式: erlang loss formula缸套磨损率: liner wear rate平均后损率: mean latter losses rate平均磨损率: average wear rate