大夫: a senior official in feudal ...说: try to persuade的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...对症下药: prescribe the right remedy f ...正是大夫说的: just what the doctor ordered对症下药: (比喻针对具体情况决定解决问题的办法) apply medicine according to indications -- an antidote against the disease; find specific ways (to solve problems); it is an adequate remedy for the disease.; prescribe a medicine special for the disease; prescribe the right remedy for an illness; suit one's methods to the situation; suit the remedy to the case [disease]: 做思想工作必须对症下药。 in doing ideological work, one must suit one's methods to the situation“对症下药”教学法: diagnostic prescriptive teaching做思想工作必须对症下药: in doing ideological work one must suit one's methods to the situation下药: 1.(医生用药) prescribe medicine 对症下药 prescribe the right remedy for an illness2.(下毒药) put in poison对症: suit the case你所说的正是我想要说的: take the word right out of someone's mouth; take the word right out of someone's mouth大夫: 大夫[口语] (北方指医生) doctor; physician(你所说的正是我想要说的)替我说了: take the words right out of someone's mouth替我说了(你所说的正是我想要说的): take the word right out of someone's mouth正是: exactly; just; precisely; so正是在这件事上她没有什么可说的: it is this matter that they have nothing to say about寒下药: cold-natured cathartics泻下药: eliminate咽下药: swallow one's words大丈夫说不: when a true man says no下药;配料;剂量: dosage下药为佐使: low grade-drugs being used as the adju-vant and messenger in prescriptions因病下药: prescribe the medicine to the disease白大夫: doctor bai大大夫: doctorphysician